Tuesday, April 30, 2013

How to Travel with Your Pet Bird on an Airplane?

Traveling along with your pet bird on an airplane can be a troublesome experience until and unless you take on certain precautionary measures. Hence, to avert all of these hassles, it would always be recommendable to keep in note of certain aspects.

Here is a list of all those actions that you need to do while traveling on air along with your pet bird.

Ensure the comfort of your pet bird

First of all, it’s very important to measure both the bird and the cage. You always need to ensure whether the bird is fitting inside the cage or not. You even need to make sure whether your pet bird is comfortable inside the cage or not.

Besides this, it’s also imperative to verify whether your feathered friend is comfortable in riding a vehicle or not.

Preparing the travel cage

Preparing the travel cage is also one of those things that you just can’t afford to overlook. It is in the cage, your pet bird is going to stay during the entire flight journey and hence it’s always advisable to be extremely careful regarding the same.

Make your bird habituated with the travel cage

Don’t just put your winged companion inside the travel cage all of a sudden. Start making your bird habituated with the same at least a month before the trip. Allow it to stay inside the cage for at least an hour every day.

Carry all the necessary items

It’s also mandatory to prepare a travel bag for your pet bird. Inside the bag, you need to carry all the necessary items like first aid kit, toys, paper towels, a blanket and lots more.

Check the airline policies regarding pet

And most importantly, do confirm whether your airline allows birds or not. Each and every airline has different policies regarding these things and hence it would always be a wise decision to keep yourself updated about the same.

Nowadays, most of the airlines require a health certificate for any kind of pet. Hence, always collect one from your veterinarian before the journey starts.

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