Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Airline Rules and Regulations for Minors

Every airline has certain rules and regulations for the minors. It’s very important that the parents must have a thorough knowledge on the same before going for any journey. Here, in this write-up, you will get to know on all those rules and regulations that have been specifically meant for the minors.

If your child is within 5-12 years of age and is flying alone, then the airline will tag him/her as an unaccompanied minor. There are also several airlines that include children below 16 years of age in this unaccompanied minor section. The airlines generally appoint a staff member to take care of the minor. The appointed person not only assists the child while boarding on the plane, but also accompanies him/her until and unless someone arrives for pickup. It is also the responsibility of the staff member to ensure that the person who is coming to take the child is the same that has been mentioned in the unaccompanied minor form.

These days, the option of unaccompanied minor form comes while purchasing tickets online. In the form, you will need to provide certain information like the name and age of the child, emergency contact information, etc.

However, not all the airlines allow the minors to travel alone. Most of the US airlines do not allow any unaccompanied minor who is below 12 years of age to fly alone. Even if the child is above 12, they are not allowed to travel in the late-night flights.

Specific rules and regulations are there for the accompanied minors also. For instance, if the child is more than 2 years of age, you have to purchase a seat for them. Tickets are not required only for those children who are under 2 years.

There are also certain airlines that allow siblings over the age of 15 to accompany a minor.

And yes, never forget to get a passport for your child. Until and unless you possess the same, your little one won’t be able to fly.

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