Saturday, May 18, 2013

Famous Indian Restaurants

India has always been an apt place for the foodies. The delicious Indian dishes have always grabbed the attention of the tourists from all around the world. In fact, when it comes to food, Indians are literally spoilt for choice.

Here, we are going to discuss about all those well-known restaurants in India that have been serving some of the scrumptious dishes. 

Travertino – Oberoi, New Delhi    

If you are fond of the authentic Italian dishes, then the Travertino of New Delhi should definitely be your foremost preference. It is located inside the famous Oberoi Hotel and is certainly a delight for all those people who like the Italian cuisines. Apart from offering top-quality food, the restaurant even comes up with a variety of wines and cheeses.

Tagliolini with Pancetta and Risotto with fresh Umbrian black truffle are some of the famous Signature truffle dishes that you must try in Travertino. According to Forbes Magazine, Travertino is presently one of the most expensive restaurants in India. 

Koh – Mumbai

This exclusive Thai restaurant has been opened recently in Mumbai. Ian Kittichai, one of the famous chefs from New York is in charge of this restaurant. The Signature Chocolate Baby Back Ribs and the Hamachi (Japanese white fish) are some of the well-known dishes that Koh offers. And if you are a vegetarian, then you can always go for the oven-roasted Aubergine along with hot stone rice.

Zen – Leela Palace, Bangalore

Zen is a Pan-Asian restaurant, situated inside the renowned Leela Palace of Bangalore. Zen is well-known for offering some of the authentic Japanese, Balinese, Korean, Thai and Singaporean dishes.  The cozy ambiance of this eatery always fetches the attention of the diners and this is also one of the chief reasons behind its immense popularity. The Korean Soju or Japanese Sake are some of the well-known dishes that Zen offers. 

Bukhara – Maurya Sheraton, New Delhi

Bukhara is another famous Indian restaurant, which is located inside the Maurya Sheraton, New Delhi. Here, you can taste some of the yummy North Indian dishes like Dal Makhani. The former US President Bill Clinton has highly appreciated this restaurant during his visit in India. The restaurant even features with the special Obama and Hillary Clinton platters, both of which were created during their visit in India.

Wharf – Chennai

Wharf is one of the famous seaside restaurants in Chennai. Some even consider it as one of the finest eating places in India. The Moroccan Chicken Steak is one of the famous dishes that Wharf offers. Besides this, there is the Corn Steak, an apt choice for all the vegetarians. If you are planning to go for a date along with your loved one, then Wharf is one such eatery that you just can’t afford to miss.

Karavali – The Taj, Bangalore

Karavali is located inside the famous Taj Hotel of Bangalore. This is an ideal place to taste some of the exclusive South Indian cuisines. According to Times Good Food Guide, Karavali offers the best seafood in India. 

Friday, May 17, 2013

Traveling on an Airplane with Kids

Air travel along with your kids can turn out to be a hectic experience until and unless you are aware of certain things. To be more precise, it’s very important to have a proper planning while you are going for an airplane ride with your little ones. Here in this write-up, you will get to know on all those tips and techniques that will be extremely helpful while traveling along with your kid on an aircraft.

The very first thing that you need to do is to get in touch with the airline and make proper seating arrangements for your child. You need to make sure that the child gets the seat exactly beside you. If the weight of your child is less than 40 pounds, you can even ask for a child restraint seat.

These days, most of the airlines offer special meal for children. Avail the same and also ask for all other services that are specially meant for the kids. An airline representative will be the best person to guide you in this regard.

While entering inside the airport, your child also needs to go through the metal detectors just like you. Hence, it is your responsibility to take the kid out of the stroller and walk with him/her through the detector.

You can carry some of the essential ingredients like a bottle of breast milk or baby juice inside the airplane. However, according to the rules and regulations of the Transport Security Administration, only a certain amount of these excess liquids can be taken.

Again, while getting inside the plane, don’t forget to fasten the seatbelts of your kid.  Carry equipment like headphones to keep your child engaged during the journey.

If you are traveling abroad, you also need to come up with a valid passport for your child. In fact, now it is even being advised to carry a passport even for the infant.

If your child is suffering from any kind of physical or mental disability, make sure to assist him/her throughout the screening process. Generally the airport screeners work along with the parents of all those kids who are disabled. Hence, co-operate with them and do the needful as required. For example, while the screener is going to check the kid via a hand wand, help him to stand properly. And if it doesn’t work somehow, you may even need to carry the kid through a metal detector. 

Thursday, May 16, 2013

The Ideal Time to Travel India and Its Subcontinent

India and its subcontinent countries have always been one of the major tourist attractions in Asia. People from all around the world have come to visit these destinations from time to time and it further signifies its immense popularity.

However, there are certain things that one should always keep in note before traveling to India and its subcontinent. And among these, the foremost one is the ideal time to visit these destinations. The best time to visit these subcontinent destinations is between the months October and March. Temperature remains extremely pleasant during this period and hence being preferred by most of the tourists. In fact, this is the ideal time to visit all the major holiday destinations in India like Rajasthan, Goa, Kerala, etc.

Moreover, this is also the time when all the well-known festivals take place and it further encourages a large number of people to travel India and its subcontinent countries. Whether it is Diwali (the festival of lights) or Holi (the festival of colors) – all these major Indian festivals take place during this time of the year.

However, this does not mean that you can’t visit India in other time of the year. There are plenty of hill stations in India like Shimla, Manali, Darjeeling and Munnar, where most of the travelers prefer to visit during the summer. But yes, try to avoid visiting the coastal areas like Mumbai and Goa during the summer as the weather remains extremely humid during this point of the year and sometimes the temperature even goes up to 45 °C.

There are also quite a few tourist destinations in India that you can visit during the monsoon. Among these, the Valley of Flowers, located in the Indian state of Uttarakhand, Ladakh and Leh and the Periyar National Park of Kerala are the well-known ones. 

Similar to India, the ideal time to visit its subcontinent countries like Nepal is also during the months of October and November. This is the time when monsoon ends in Nepal and the weather remains ideal for traveling. However, try to avoid traveling Nepal during the months of December and January as this the time when temperature remains extremely cold and most of the times the country remains covered with snowfall and fog.

You can also travel Nepal during the time of spring i.e. during the months between February and April. However, summer (May-June) is not a recommendable time to visit Nepal as the weather remains pretty hot and might not be suitable for you.

Hence, if you are also someone who is planning for a trip to India and its subcontinent in the upcoming days, always check the climatic conditions properly prior to travel.  

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Indian Customs and Import Duties – a General Overview

Similar to all other countries, the Indian government also levies import duties on all those goods that are being carried to India from abroad. However, this norm often varies on certain grounds like nationality, duration of your visit and the usage of the imported goods. In fact, there are also certain commodities for which you do not need to pay any kind of import duty.

Hence, prior to travel India, always make sure that you are aware of all these rules and regulations regarding the Indian customs and duties.

Let’s start with the free import duties. As it has been mentioned earlier, that there are certain items, for which you do not need to pay any amount of import duty. For instance, if you are an Indian resident and are more than 10 years of age, you can carry up to Rs. 25,000 without any tax. On the other hand, people from other nationalities can carry up to Rs. 8,000 exempting the tax.

There are also various general goods that can be imported free of cost irrespective of its quantity. For example, all those travelers who are more than 17 years of age can carry up to 250 grams of tobacco along with 2 liters of alcoholic beverages. A certain amount of medication can also be carried without any import duty.

However, keep in note that once the goods surpass the limit of free importation then an approx 60% duty will be incurred on it.

The Indian Customs has also few specific rules and regulations regarding the different types of goods. For example, there are certain items like meat, eggs, dairy products and pet foods that require a special sanitary import permit.

Also remember that according to the rules of the Indian Customs, importing all types of pigs and birds are strictly prohibited. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Air Travel Guidelines Regarding Pregnancy

Today, seeing a pregnant woman traveling on an airplane is not at all a miraculous thing. For normal pregnancy, there are very few restrictions that the airlines impose and it further encourages a large number of pregnant women to opt for air travel.

But still there are certain precautions that a pregnant woman should always keep in mind prior to take a ride on an aircraft. 

Second Trimester –the Ideal Stage to Travel

According to most of the physicians, pregnancy travel should always be limited to the second trimester. This is because all the major risks like miscarriage usually get over by the end of the first trimester and hence it’s always safe to travel during the second one.

However, this does not mean that you can also travel during the third trimester. Most of the airlines don’t accept reservation of a pregnant woman who is in the third trimester and its chief reason is there is the possibility of delivering anytime. In fact, most of the women are also reluctant to go for an air travel in the third trimester due to various health issues.

Choose a Bulkhead Seat

Selecting a proper seat is also very important for a pregnant flyer. For a pregnant woman, it is always advisable to choose a bulkhead seat, located close to the lavatory. Besides this, there is the extra legroom, which will further allow her to sit comfortably.

Fasten the Seat Belt Properly

You should also keep in note of certain things while fastening your seat belt. Always fasten the seat belt either under your belly or across the thighs. To keep the blood circulation going, also move around inside the flight couple of times, especially if it’s a long-haul one.

Always Stay Hydrated  

For a pregnant woman, it is very important to stay hydrated and this will only be possible once you drink sufficient amount of water during the journey.

Seek Advice from Your Physician

Also consult with your physician before taking an airplane ride. Although, for normal pregnancy, there is no harm in air travel, but still to be on the safer side have a talk with your physician once before the journey.

Avoid Traveling to Countries that Require Immunization

And last but not the least, always try to avoid traveling to those countries where you might require special vaccination. Any kind of unnecessary medication can be harmful during pregnancy and hence it would always be advisable to avoid the same.   

Why Stretching is So Important during Air Travel?

Stretching is one of those exercises that every individual must perform during a flight journey, especially if it is a long-haul. Stretching actively prevents the blood clots, which are not only detrimental for our health but sometimes can even be life-threatening.

However, this is definitely not the only reason. There are also several other health concerns that you can get rid of by stretching your muscles a bit. 

You must be knowing that stretching often helps to relieve both muscle cramping as well as spasms in an effective manner. If you hold any particular position for an elongated period of time, you will be able to see that it prevents the blood circulation in your body. And if this thing continues for long, you will soon experience diseases like muscle spasms, which is truly very painful.

Here lies the usefulness of stretching. In fact, it is must do activity for every single passenger. Don’t just sit idly on your airline seat. Walk in the cabin aisle or take a restroom break as it will bring blood circulation in your body. It will even wash down the lactic acid and sugars that are infiltrated in your body. Moreover, if you are someone who is prone to muscle cramping, then moving around is definitely one of the best ways to get rid of this disease.

Stretching even prevents certain injuries like muscle tightness, soreness and even the minor muscle pulls, which usually happen due to sitting in one position for an extended period of time.

And last but not the least, besides stretching; also don’t forget to keep yourself engaged in a deep and slow breathing process inside the airplane as it reduces muscle tension to a large extent. 

Monday, May 13, 2013

How to Use Visa in an Expired Passport?

It often happens that before your visa gets expired, the passport expires or gets cancelled by the owner due to temporary misplacement. Now, in these situations, it would always be advisable not to move the visa from one passport to another, irrespective from which country it has been issued. To use the visa, you have to get a new passport, besides carrying the old one. However, you don’t require applying for a new visa, if the original one is still valid. 

Norms of Applying a New Passport 

First of all, you need to apply for a new passport. One thing should be kept in mind that the country should be the same in terms of both the new and the old passport and the visa should also be of the same place. For example, if the expired passport is of Brazil and so is the valid visa then the new passport should also be of the same country.  

Documents Required 

You need to carry both the passport- the cancelled one and the new one along with the visa when travelling. Both the documents are required to board the flight and travel to a foreign land. An easy way to carry both these documents is to use a rubber band or staple. 

VIOPP Stamp in United States

When you arrive at the airport, hand both the passports to the Customs and Border Patrol Immigration Officer. For instance, if you are travelling in United States with both a valid and cancelled passport along with a valid U.S. visa, the customs agent will put a stamp on your new passport with the letters VIOPP, which means “Visa in Other Passport”.  

Sunday, May 12, 2013

Rules that You Need to Follow while Carrying Liquids on an Airplane

There are some general guidelines that all the airlines follow while carrying liquids on an airplane. Prior to a journey, it would always be a wise decision to go through all these rules and regulations properly to avoid all sorts of hassles.

Carry Only Those Things that You Need

First of all, make a list of all those liquids that you want to carry. And carry only those ones that you actually need. For example, there are certain liquid items like shampoo, toothpaste and bath gel, which you can buy from any place in this world. Hence, there is no need to carry these items while boarding on plane.

Also try to get rid of the unnecessary items. For example, if you are already carrying toothpaste, then there is no need to carry a mouthwash also.

Keep your Options Open

You also have to be a bit flexible while carrying liquids on an airplane. For instance, instead of carrying shaving foam, you can always carry a bar of shaving soap. A bar of shaving soap is not only light in weight and consumes less space, but is also not under the restriction of the airline.

Carry Less Weight

Again, if you need to take any perfume or aftershave lotion, always make sure that you are carrying the same in a small plastic container, which should not be more than 3 ounces. Always remember that if you are carrying less weight, you also have to spend less time in the security checkpoint. 

Few Exceptions

However, for liquid medicines, the airline policies are a bit different. Most of the airlines allow liquid medicines to carry on the plane. However, to get this privilege, you have to come up with a medical prescription.

There are also certain liquid items like bottled breast milk and other nutritional liquids that the airlines allow to take on special grounds. However, do remember that you have to carry all these liquids in limited quantities.

Friday, May 10, 2013

Famous Hill Stations in India

Are you planning for a trip to India in the upcoming vacation? If yes, then this following write-up will certainly be helpful for you. Here, you will get to know on all those famous hill stations of India that have always attracted tourists from all around the world. Let’s discuss in brief on few of them.


Shimla is undeniably one of the most popular hill stations in India. It was once considered as the summer capital of India. The beautiful scenic beauty and the cool and pleasant weather of Shimla have always grabbed the attention of the tourists. Visiting Shimla is truly a heavenly experience, especially during the summer.

Shimla is also well-known for its colonial styled buildings and historic railway. Of late, quite a few adventure sports have also started to take place in Shimla and hence now it is even becoming a hot favorite among the adventure lovers.


Manali is another well-known hill station, located in the Indian state of Himachal Pradesh. Manali is one of the most popular holiday destinations in North India and has always attracted countless travelers from time to time. A trip to Manali is certainly one of those experiences that you would like to cherish forever. Apart from the breathtaking natural landscapes, Manali is also an ideal spot for trekking along with various sports like river rafting.


Besides this, there is Darjeeling, another renowned hill station, located in the Indian state of West Bengal. Darjeeling is famous for its tea gardens. In fact, it is from Darjeeling, you will get to see the most beautiful view of Kanchenjunga, the third-highest peak in the world. If you are someone who is really fond of hills, then Darjeeling is one such destination that you just can’t afford to overlook.


Want to get rid of the monotony of this daily life?  Then visit Munnar, another beautiful hill station, located in the heart of Kerala. Similar to Darjeeling, Munnar is also famous for its tea plantations. From Munnar, you can even enjoy trekking to Anamudi , the highest peak of South India.  Apart from these, you can even keep yourself engaged in quite a lot of adventurous activities like paragliding, rock climbing, etc.


And last but not the least, there is Ooty, a renowned hill resort, located in Tamil Nadu. The magnificent scenic beauty of Ooty will always leave you spellbind and you can rest assured of enjoying some of the best days of your life there. The best time to visit Ooty is in between the months April and May.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Top 5 Dishes from Kolkata

Do you consider yourself as a foodie? If yes, then do visit the City of Joy at least once in your lifetime and taste some of the authentic Bengali cuisines. Nothing stands in comparison with a Bengali dish. Whether it is the mouthwatering Bhapa Ilish or the famous Rasgulla, when it comes to food Kolkata should definitely be on top of your priority list.

Here, you will get to know on all those top five dishes from Kolkata that have always been a hot favorite both among the localites as well as the travelers.

Chingri Macher Malaikari

Chingri Macher Malaikari (Prawn Malai Curry) is one of those elegant Bengali cuisines that are usually being served on special occasions like Poila Baisakh (Bengali New Year). This entire preparation is cooked in the spicy coconut gravy. In fact, it is the sweetness of the coconut gravy that makes this dish such a delectable one. Don’t forget to try this cuisine during your next trip to Kolkata as it is one of those gastronomic delights that you would like to have again and again.

Kasha Mangsho

Kasha Mangsho (Bengali Mutton Curry) is another yummy dish that you are going to find in Kolkata. In Kolkata, a Sunday lunch always remains incomplete without this very dish. There are many restaurants like Gol Bari, which is famous for serving this cuisine.

Bhapa Illish

Bhapa Illish is another delicious preparation of fish that you are going to find in Kolkata. It is a hot favorite among all the Bengalis. It is usually being served with rice. Initially, the fish is being marinated with ground mustard seeds along with a small quantity of mustard oil, green chilies, yoghurt, etc. If you are someone who is fond of fish items and want to explore the exclusive Bengali cuisines, then Bhapa Illish is one such dish that you just can’t afford to overlook.


Rasgulla is a cheese-based syrupy sweet dish, which is usually being used as a dessert. Rasgulla is made 
from the dumplings of Chhena, an Indian cottage cheese. A Kolkata trip is really meaningless for a tourist until and unless he tastes this popular sweet dish.

Mishti Doi

Mishti Doi or sweet yogurt is another well-known dessert, which you can taste in Kolkata. It is an apt choice for all those people who are fond of the sweet dishes. Apart from West Bengal, it is even being available in Odisha along with Bangladesh.  

Wednesday, May 8, 2013

The Airport Restaurants You Can Always Count On

Are you one of those foodies who can’t even think of living a moment without the same? If yes, then this following write-up will certainly interest you a lot. Here, you will get to know on all those finest airport restaurants that are located around the world. Before boarding on a flight, here you can spend some of the quality time with your near and dear ones along with enjoying a variety of cuisines of your choice.

Tortas Frontera, Chicago O’Hare International Airport

The Tortas Frontera of Chicago O’Hare International Airport is one such noteworthy instance that can be referred in this context. Here you can have the authentic Mexican grilled sandwiches along with Chihuahua cheese and avocado. Here, you will also find a yogurt bar, specifically designed for all those passengers who catch flights early in the morning. Tortas Frontera has been created by the famous American food celebrity Rick Bayless.

Porta Graig, El Prat del Llobregat Airport, Barcelona

The Porta Graig of El Prat del Llobregat Airport, Barcelona is another top-notch eating place that you are definitely going to like. Here you will find the conventional Catalan dishes, prepared by the famous chef Carles Graig.

Salt Lick BBQ, Austin-Bergstrom International Airport, Texas

Besides this, there is the Salt Lick BBQ of Austin-Bergstrom International Airport, Texas. The restaurant comes up with some of the authentic grilled dishes, such as pork ribs, signature beef brisket, etc.

Bubbles Seafood and Wine Bar, Amsterdam Airport Schiphol

Furthermore, there is the Bubbles Seafood and Wine Bar of Amsterdam Airport Schiphol, where you are going to enjoy traditional Dutch food like raw herring along with bread and onions. The eatery even offers different types of wine and champagne of your choice.

Five Guys, Washington Dulles International Airport

Again, if you ever go to Washington Dulles International Airport, you will be able to see the famous restaurant Five Guys. It is being heard that US president Barrack Obama is one of the biggest fans of this eating place. Burgers are one of the most famous dishes that are being offered in this restaurant. Once you comer in this restaurant, always have a bite of cheeseburger with lettuce, tomato and mustard.

Obrycki’s, Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport

Obrycki’s of Baltimore-Washington International Thurgood Marshall Airport is another well-known airport restaurant that will certainly grab your attention. Obrycki’s is widely famous for serving signature crab cakes.

Apart from these, there are several other celebrated airport restaurants, such as Crust, LaGuardia Airport in New York, Encounter of Los Angeles International Airport and Legal Sea Foods of Boston Logan International Airport.